HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the basic markup language used to create web pages. It describes the structure and content of web pages, which the browser interprets and displays. HTML combines elements like links, text, images, videos, lists, and forms to create a framework that provides users with visual information.

Key Features of HTML

  1. Markup Language HTML is a "markup language" used to define the meaning and structure of text using tags. For example, elements like paragraphs, headings, and links are enclosed in specific tags to instruct the browser on how to display them.

  2. Use of Tags HTML documents are primarily composed of elements called tags. Each tag is enclosed in angle brackets ("<" and ">") and typically comes in pairs: an opening tag and a closing tag.

    • Example:

    <p>This is a paragraph.</p>

    In this code, <p> is a tag that represents a paragraph, and the text "This is a paragraph." is displayed as a paragraph.

  3. Structural Elements HTML can be used to create basic page structures such as the following:

    • Header (<header>): Contains the page’s heading, logo, and navigation elements.

    • Main Content (<main>): The main content of the page.

    • Footer (<footer>): Contains information like copyright details and links.

    • Section (<section>) and

      Article (<article>): Used to logically divide the content.

  4. Hyperlinks One of the core features of HTML, and the origin of the term "HyperText," is the ability to create links. Hyperlinks allow users to navigate to other pages or resources.

    • Example:

    <a href="">Click here</a>

    In this code, clicking "Click here" will take the user to

  5. Embedding Multimedia HTML allows you to embed multimedia content like images, videos, and audio into web pages.

    • Image:

    <img src="image.jpg" alt="Description of image">

    • Video:

    <video src="video.mp4" controls></video>

  6. Creating Forms HTML can be used to create forms for users to input data. Forms can include text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and more.

    • Example:

    <form action="/submit" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name"> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form>

Evolution of HTML

HTML has evolved, and the current standard is HTML5. HTML5 introduced many new features, especially in terms of multimedia and integration with APIs. By combining HTML with JavaScript and CSS, developers can create more interactive and sophisticated web pages.


HTML is the foundational technology for the web and is essential for building the structure of web pages. It is simple yet highly flexible and, when combined with other technologies, can deliver rich content that works across various devices and environments.