KGI - Key Goal Indicator

KGI (Key Goal Indicator) is a metric used to measure the progress towards achieving an organization's or project's objectives. KGIs are set to ensure the success of the business and strategic goals, focusing on the final outcomes the organization aims to achieve. They typically concentrate on long-term goals and are crucial for evaluating the overall direction and success of a business.

Features of KGI

  1. Goal-Oriented:

    • KGIs clearly outline the ultimate goals an organization or project aims to achieve, enabling the assessment of strategic direction.

  2. Measurable:

    • KGIs need to be specific and quantifiable, allowing for the objective evaluation of goal attainment.

  3. Strategic:

    • KGIs should align with the long-term strategies and business plans of the organization, serving as indicators for achieving strategic objectives.

  4. Outcome-Focused:

    • KGIs emphasize results, directly correlating with the success and value creation of the organization.

How to Set KGIs

  1. Clarify Objectives:

    • Define the long-term goals of the organization or project clearly. These goals should be specific and attainable.

  2. Select Indicators:

    • Choose specific metrics to assess the progress towards these goals. Examples include sales revenue, profit margin, market share, and customer satisfaction.

  3. Set Benchmarks:

    • Establish baseline values based on current performance and set target values for the goals. This enables comparison to measure progress.

  4. Define Time Frames:

    • Determine the period over which the KGI will be evaluated. KGIs are typically related to long-term goals, so time frames of one year or several years are common.

  5. Monitor and Evaluate:

    • Regularly track and assess the progress towards the KGI. Adjust strategies and action plans as needed to stay on track.

Examples of KGIs

  1. Sales Revenue:

    • Objective

      : Achieve annual sales revenue of 1 billion yen.

    • KGI

      : Annual sales revenue.

  2. Market Share:

    • Objective

      : Increase market share to 25%.

    • KGI

      : Market share percentage.

  3. Customer Satisfaction:

    • Objective

      : Achieve a customer satisfaction score of over 90%.

    • KGI

      : Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT).

  4. New Product Launches:

    • Objective

      : Introduce five new products to the market next year.

    • KGI

      : Number of new products launched.

  5. Profit Margin:

    • Objective

      : Achieve an operating profit margin of 15%.

    • KGI

      : Operating profit margin.

Differences Between KGI and KPI

  • KGI (Key Goal Indicator):

    • Measures the attainment of ultimate goals and final outcomes.

    • Related to long-term strategic objectives.

  • KPI (Key Performance Indicator):

    • Measures the progress and performance of processes and activities.

    • Functions as intermediate indicators for achieving KGIs.


KGI (Key Goal Indicator) is a metric used to evaluate the achievement of organizational or project goals. Focusing on long-term objectives, KGIs highlight the success and strategic goal attainment of the business. Setting KGIs involves clarifying objectives, selecting measurable indicators, setting benchmarks, defining time frames, and regularly monitoring and evaluating progress. KGIs differ from KPIs in that they measure final outcomes and are related to long-term strategic goals. By effectively setting and monitoring KGIs, organizations can ensure they are on track to achieve their strategic objectives and overall success.