Omnibus Survey

An omnibus survey is a type of survey conducted jointly by multiple clients. Each client adds their specific questions, and these questions are compiled into a single large-scale survey. This format is cost-effective and allows for quick results, making it popular among many businesses and organizations.

Characteristics of an Omnibus Survey

  1. Cost Efficiency: Since multiple clients share the survey costs, the expense for each client is reduced.

  2. Quick Implementation: Survey companies conduct omnibus surveys regularly, allowing clients to obtain results quickly. These surveys are typically conducted monthly or quarterly.

  3. Wide Sample Range: These surveys are generally conducted nationwide, collecting diverse samples. This ensures statistically significant data.

  4. Varied Questions: Each client can add specific questions tailored to their needs, allowing for detailed information on particular markets or target groups.

Process of an Omnibus Survey

  1. Survey Planning: The survey company sets the schedule for the omnibus survey and informs clients. Clients decide whether to participate and submit their questions.

  2. Question Design: Clients design questions based on their survey objectives and submit them to the survey company. The survey company integrates all the questions into a single questionnaire.

  3. Data Collection: The survey company collects data nationwide using various methods, including online surveys, telephone surveys, and face-to-face interviews.

  4. Data Analysis and Reporting: The survey company analyzes the collected data and provides reports to the clients. Each client receives data and analysis results related to their specific questions.

Advantages of an Omnibus Survey

  1. Cost Reduction: Since multiple clients share the costs, the survey cost for each client is significantly reduced.

  2. Quick Results: Regularly conducted surveys allow clients to obtain results quickly.

  3. Statistical Reliability: The large sample size increases the statistical reliability of the results.

  4. Flexibility: Clients can add specific questions tailored to their needs, allowing for the flexible collection of necessary information.

Challenges of an Omnibus Survey

  1. Limited Number of Questions: There are restrictions on the number of questions each client can add, making it difficult to achieve all survey objectives.

  2. Data Sharing: Since the survey results are shared among multiple clients, there is a risk of sharing information with competitors.

  3. Question Competition: Questions from other clients may compete with your questions, complicating the interpretation of the survey results.


An omnibus survey is a cost-effective and quick method of data collection where multiple clients jointly conduct a survey. It features a wide sample range and varied questions, making it an effective means for businesses and organizations to gain valuable insights into markets and target groups. However, it also has challenges such as limited question numbers and data sharing, which should be considered when using this method.